Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Undocumented Malaysian Indians

Registration Department officials at Lunas, Kulim

One of the most complicated problems faced by a small section of Malaysian Indians is associated with documents which certify they were born here in Malaysia. The possession of an identification card provides access to education, employment, political rights and membership in Malaysian society. Not having a document can be deemed as being stateless and among the poorest of the poor as access and inclusion into mainstream society is restricted and limited.

A sizable number of Malaysian Indians face problems with securing their documents. The actual numbers is uncertain but it is clear that there is a sizable number of Malaysian Indians do not possess relevant documents which verify their actual status of whether they are citizens of Malaysia or not.

During the Program Mesra Rakyat, a total of 658 cases were received. Of this 40% had citizenship request, 27% had late birth registration concerns and 22.6% had problems in securing their identification cards. The remaining 10.2% had other issues pertaining to marriage registration and etc

Enclosed Table gives more details:-

Percentage %

While we received 658 cases, we had only managed to solve 7.6% or 50 cases as at Nov 17, 2010.

One of the main reasons according to Dato Siva Subramaniam who is spearheading the Taskforce team seeking to find solutions, is the inability of individuals to provide the required documents to prove they are truly Malaysians. One has to take the historical aspect of displacement from plantations and their inability to trace the original documents or identify older generation who can act as witnesses.
Another major hurdle is the people themselves due to their mindset and lifestyle as they find it difficult to take time from their low paying jobs to devote attention in finding a solution. The bureaucracy is too much for them and therefore they tend to withdraw and their problems remain unresolved.

Recognising these major hurdles in solving the documentation issue SITF has undertaken the following measures:-

Policy Discussion

First, it hosted a special Roundtable Discussion on Citizenship and Documentation chaired by the SITF Chairman, Datuk Dr Subramaniam on Oct 18, 2010 where the various top officials from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Registration Department together with community leaders discussed the major concerns. Among the issues discussed were matters which required policy intervention which the Minister will raise at the Cabinet and Cabinet committee levels. At the operational level the government officials agreed to enhance their efforts to solve the concerns among the Indian community.

The officials at Putrajaya and also at the district level have been very supportive. In the case of Program Mesra Rakyat, the district level officers were at all the six locations manning the booths and receiving the Indian cases and advising them in solving the documentation issues.

Follow Up Action

Second, SITF has been organizing smaller follow up programs namely - ‘My Daftar’ operations at a number of locations to assist the people in processing their applications. Local community leaders and volunteers will visit every applicant and advice them on the requirements and also facilitate a special program for submission to the Registration Department.

In this context Dato Siva Subramaniam together with officials of the Registration Department and local leaders organized two follow up programs at the Indian Settlement hall at Batang Berjuntai, Kuala Selangor. The first was on Oct 20, 2010 where 26 cases were reviewed and the second operations was held on Nov 24, 2010 were 42 cases were reviewed.

According to Dato Siva the recent operations was most successful as 23 cases were solved on the spot by the officials and they received the forms of all other 19 cases for review. One major reason for this change of events was SITF is now using local runners who will visit the home and advice the people of the documentation required. In addition the Department officials are now coming in a full team with photographer, commissioner of oath and their computers.

Future Operation ‘My Daftar’ dates

SITF has now set dates for similar My Daftar operations at the following places

  • Nov 26, 2010 at Buntung, Ipoh, Perak
  • Nov 29, 2010 at Sg Pelek, Sepang, Selangor
  • Dec 2, 2010 at Lunas, Kulim, Kedah
  • Dec 4, 2010 at Perai and Nibong Tebal, Penang

For more details of actual time and location please contact : Thana 016 295 7172

Voluntters & NGOs needed for ground intervention 

SITF recognizes that a section of the Indian community especially those at the bottom 40% have major issues with documentation and therefore it is imperative that we play a very supportive role in identifying the individuals and families who are stateless. In addition we need to assist them in filling the forms and helping them securing the basic supporting documentation.

In this context SITF welcomes volunteers and NGOs to volunteer their services by going to the ground. We must work together to address and arrest this problem once and for all. All Malaysian Indians must posses all the documentation necessary to enjoy their rights as Malaysian citizens and at the same time play their role in nation building. This will enhance their dignity and image.

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